Monday, February 28, 2011

Lego Technics 8274 - Combine Harvester

This set is the 1st Lego set that I bought with my own salary after so many years.
这是我过了那么多年,第一次用自己薪水买的 Lego。

After so many years, Lego has changed to be less "brick" feel which I don't really like. I like the "brick" feel because it amazed me that these small bricks can snap together and form an object that's out of my imagination. You can build almost anything with these square bricks.
过了那么多年,Lego 已经变成没那种我喜欢的“砖块”感了。“砖块”感,让我惊奇这些小砖块,可以一粒一粒组在一起,变成一个想像不到的物体。你可以从这些小砖块,去组成任何物体。

Lego now has many special designed bricks to make the final object more streamline feel. Sometimes it's easy to guess what's the final object by looking at those special designed bricks. These special designed bricks limited our creativity since objects that we can build is limited.
现在的 Lego 有很多为了让物体有流线性,而特别设计的方块。有时候很容易就从这些特别方块,猜出最后组成的物体是什么。这些方块也限制了我们的创意,因为可以组装的东西也很有限制

Sunday, February 27, 2011

7632 - Crawler Crane

I like Lego since small. My parents bought a lot for me but too bad most of them already lost. After start my high school studies, my hobby also changed to play military models & so stop Lego
小时候开始就很喜欢 Lego 了,父母也买了很多给我,但可惜大部分都不见了。进了中学读书,兴趣也改变成玩军事模型,我就这样停止玩 Lego 了。

After start to work I didn't buy Lego too because Malaysia's Lego too expensive! I only start to buy back Lego 3 years ago when I saw KLCC's Toy R'Us is having 50% sales on some Lego. Now I only buy those with big discount sometimes to get the excitement & accomplishment feel when building the Lego
工作后就算有钱,也没去买 Lego,因为太贵了!三年前在 KLCC 的 Toy R'Us 看到有些 Lego 有 50% 的折扣,我就这样开始买回 Lego。现在也是等有大折扣才买来玩,重温以前小时候一粒一粒地,砌出整个模型的兴奋和成就感。