Saturday, June 20, 2009

Mirage C02 - Uranus

Finished snap fit this Uranus for quite a long time already. Only recent has some time & mood to shoot the picture of it (actually I'm lazy :P).
很久之前就完成素组 Uranus 了,只是最近有时间和心情才替它拍些照片(其实是我懒惰拍 :P)

Uranus is the 8th Armored Core model from Kotobukiya and it's the 2nd Armored Core model with this color scheme (Selena was the 1st using this metallic dark red color). There are too much Crest type Armored core before this (AC002 Crest, AC006 Crest Close Combat ver., AC007 Crest Lightweight ver.) and I'm getting bored with the Crest type body & leg. Luckily Kotobukiya released Uranus or else I'll stop buying Armored Core =_=
Uranus 是 Kotobukiya 第八个 Armored Core 模型,也是第二个用金属红当主色的 Armored Core (第一个是 Selena)。还好 Kotobukiya 推出 Uranus,不然我可能就放弃 Armored Core 模型,因为之前真的出了太多 Crest 式的机体了(AC002 Crest, AC006 Crest Close Combat ver., AC007 Crest Lightweight ver.)。每次都组相似的模型是很闷的 =_=

Talk bout Uranus, it remind me it's the 1st model kit I've bought at Play-Asia. It's the 1st model kit comes with dented box too. After that most of my model kit bought over there has dented box when it reached my house =_=. If not because local selling price for Armored Core is a bit hight, I'll not buy from Play-Asia
说到 Uranus 就让我想起这个是我第一个在 Play-Asia 买的模型,也是第一个盒子有破损的模型。这次过后在那里买的模型,大部分都是盒子有破损 =_=。如果不是因为本地 Armored Core 的售价偏高,我也不会考虑在 Play-Asia 买

I'm using a new setup this time for the photographing. The light source is coming from the right and I put a mirror on the left to reflect the light. The picture looks better with this setup than put the light at the top. Maybe the light not strong enough (60W only) and the mirror didn't reflect much light back, so you can see there's shadow at the left side of Uranus
这次的摄影我用了不同的灯光设定。我把光源放在右方,然后左边放了一面镜子来反射光回去。这个设定让照片看起来比光源放在顶的照片更好。可能是灯光不够亮的关系(60W 而已),镜子反射的光又太少,所以造成左边有影子。


  1. Nice review, bro. I think the AC model kit can do the mix & match like the trading figure version. Which mean you can put this body parts to another body, switf the heads, hands, or legs. Have you try that before? :P

  2. Thanks for reading bro :D

    Yeah, I did that before but forgot to snap a picture. I don't dare to exchange often because it will wear out the joints & become loose. Some of them quite stiff and hard to take out too

  3. O i see, if the joint become loose, you can try to apply some super glue at the ball joint, when it dried, insert the parts and you will find that it become firm again. :)I did it on my HCM Pro toys. :P
